Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Husband Store

A brand new store has just opened in New York City that sells Husbands. When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions at the entrance:

"You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors and the value of the products increase as you ascend the flights. You may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you CANNOT go back down except to exit the building”

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

-The 1st floor sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs
-The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
-The 3rd floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids and are extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

-She goes to the 4th floor and the sign reads: Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help with Housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

-Still, she goes to the 5th floor and sign reads: Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, help with Housework and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the sign reads:

-Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opens a New Wives store just across the street.

-The 1st first floor has wives that love sex.
-The 2nd floor has wives that love sex and have money.

-The 3rd - 6th floors have never been visited.

Tour Bus Driver

A tour bus driver is driving with a bus full of old aged pensioners when he is tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady.

She offers him a handful of peanuts, which he gratefully munches up.

After about 15 minutes, she taps him on the shoulder again and she hands the driver another handful of peanuts.

When she is about to hand him another batch again, he asks her "Why don't you eat the peanuts?"

"We can't chew them because we have no teeth", she replied.

"We just love the chocolate around them."

Dear Tide

Dear Tide:

I am writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it all of my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am almost forty and with kids, I find it even better!

In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with his blood on my new white blouse! I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out!

In fact, the stains came out so well the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I was no longer considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband.

What a relief! Going through pre-menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect! I thank you, once again, for having a great product.

Well, gotta go, have to write to the Hefty bag people.

The New Corvette

He got his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. "Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-75, pushing the pedal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw the highway patrol behind him, blue lights
flashing and siren blaring.

He floored it to 100mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this," and pulled over to await the Trooper's arrival.

Pulling in behind him, the Trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes.
Today is Friday.

If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go."

The old gentleman paused. Then said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back."

"Have a good day, Sir," replied the Trooper


Last week, we took some friends out to a new restaurant, and noticed that the waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt pocket. It seemed a little strange.

When the waiter brought our water and cutlery, I noticed he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket. Then I looked around and saw that all the staff had spoons in their pockets.

When the waiter came back to serve our soup I asked, "Why the spoon?" "Well, "he explained, "the restaurant’s owners hired Andersen Consulting to revamp all our processes. After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently dropped piece of cutlery. It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour. If our staff are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift."

As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he was able to replace it with his spare. "I’ll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now." I was impressed.

I also noticed that there was a string hanging out of the waiter’s zip on his trousers. Looking around, I noticed that all the waiters had the same string hanging from their flies. So before he walked off, I asked the waiter, "Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string right there?"

"Oh, certainly!" Then he lowered his voice. "Not everyone is so observant. That consulting firm I mentioned also found out that we can save time in the rest-room. By tying this string to the tip of you know what, we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the rest-room by 76.39 per cent."

I asked "After you get it out, how do you put it back?"

"Well," he whispered, "I don’t know about the others, but I use
the spoon."

Grass Eater

A man was riding in the back of his limousine when he saw a man eating grass by the roadside. He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.

"Why are you eating grass?" he asked the man.

"I don't have any money for food," the poor man replied.

"Oh, please come to my house!" "But sir, I have a wife and four children..." "Bring them along!" the rich man said.

They all climbed into the limo. Once underway, the poor fellow said, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us in."

The rich man replied, "No, you don't understand. The grass at my house is over three feet tall!"

Eleven People on a Rope

Eleven people were hanging on a rope, under a helicopter. Ten men and one woman.

The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall.

They weren't able to choose that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech.

She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.

As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping

25 ways to tell you are grown up

Dear Dad

A father passing by his son's
bedroom, was astonished to see the bed

was nicely made, and that everything was picked up and tidy.

Then, he saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow. It
was addressed,


With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the

letter, with trembling hands.

Dear Dad,

It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing to you. I had to

elope with my new girlfriend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with

Mum and you.

I've been finding real passion with Stacy, and she is so nice, but I

knew you would not approve of her, because of all her piercings',

tattoos, her tight Motorcycle clothes, and because she is so much

older than I am.

But it's not only the passion, Dad. She's pregnant.

Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the
woods, and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a
dream of having many more children.

Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't, really

hurt anyone. We'll be growing it for ourselves, and trading it with

the other people in the commune, for all the cocaine and

ecstasy we want.

In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS,

Stacy can get better. She sure deserves it!

Don't worry Dad, I'm 15, and I know how to take care of myself.

Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit, so you can get to know

your many grandchildren.

Love, your son, Joshua.

P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Jason's house.

I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in

life than the School report that's on the kitchen table.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Death Trivia

Jerome Rodale, who founded The Rodale Press publishing house, was taping an interview on the Dick Cavett Talk show. He was bragging about how he was so healthy he'd live to be 100 when he slumped over, dead from a heart attack. The show was never broadcast to the public because it'd be kinda funny.

Pope Johann XII died at age 18 after being beaten to death by his lover's husband.

Jim Fixx, who wrote "The Complete Book of Running" and lectured about how running and a healthy diet would promote longevity, dropped dead from a heart attack while running. An autopsy revealed he had 3 massively blocked heart arteries.

In ancient Japan, it was thought that somewhere on the tail of a cat there was a single hair that would restore life to a dying person. Relatives would sometimes bring a cat to the dying person, letting them pluck a hair to try their luck. So they'd die anyway, but with a cat swatting their face with their claws...

It's impossible to kill yourself by holding your breath, so if a kid pulls that on you, say, "That's nice, dear. Go right ahead.." (This is why my sister doesn't like me to babyish for her.)

Cosmic Irony - The person who wrote the famous song, "Keep the Home Fires Burning" burnt to death when their home caught fire.

In 1970, television newsmanChris Hubbock announced, "In keeping with Channel 40's policy of always bringing you the latest in gore and guts in living color, you're about to see another first - an attempted suicide". Then she pulled out a gun and fatally shot herself in the head.

Eric II, King of Denmark, died in 1104. He was known as Eric the Memorable. No one remembers why.

Nosophilia refers to those who get sexually aroused by the knowledge that a partner is terminally ill. They will even stake out support groups for those with terminal illness like others flock to dating services, pretending to have had a family member or friend that passed from the disease, which is why they're there "trying to learn". . Oh, so that's why they're so attentive and understanding!

Napoleon killed over a thousand people with a cough. In 1799 he was deciding whether to release 1,200 Turkish prisoners of war when he coughed and said, "Ma sacré toux!" (my darned cough) which sounded to officers like "Massacrez tous!" (Kill them all!). So they did.

Paul Revere was the fist person to ever identify a body by dental records. He recognized the dead man because of work he had done joining two teeth together with silver wire.

The most expensive funeral so far was that of Alexander the Great. It'd cost about $600,000,000 in today's money. One of the reasons was the building of a road from Babylon to Alexandria, big enough move a jewel studded hearse the size of a small building which was pulled by 64 horses. .

The French playwright Molière became sick and died while playing the role of a hypochondriac in his play "The Imaginary Invalid".

Necrosadism is sadistic acts on corpses for sexual arousal. Jeffrey Dahmer as well as most serial killers do this.

Mummies were so plentiful when first discovered that they were ground up and sold as fertilizer and put into medicines

The residents of death row in Texas are forbidden to smoke. Guess they're afraid they'd get cancer and die. Perhaps some can enlighten me as to why?

Mysophilia is the practice of ingesting the body fluids of corpses, particularly urine.

A few months before he got killed in a car accident, James Dean made a driver's safety TV ad in which he said, "Drive safely; the life you save may be mine".

Elvis and Charles Schultz were the #1 and #2 money earning dead people in 2002. Elvis made $31 million; Schultz made $9 million

Playwright Tennessee Williams died after choking on the cap of a bottle of eyedrops (one man wrote me to say he knew a woman who knew TW personally and that it had been an aspirin bottle cap). He was a habitual pill-taker and drunk, and in an impaired state he put the cap in his mouth, mistaking it for another pill. It got stuck; The End.

Mark Twain, born on a year Halley's Comet visited us, correctly predicted he would die the next time it came by.

It is a myth that the hair and nails grow after death; the skin shrinks, giving the illusion of their growth

Seven breeds of dog account for 98% of all fatal dog attacks. In order they are: Pit Bull, German Shepherd, Chow, Malamute, Husky, Wolf Hybrids, and the Akita. Mothers-in-Law ranked # 11.

Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, CA is the largest in the U.S. - 1200 acres in four parks.

Crematoria ovens heat typically to 1,100-1,300 F and will burn up a 180 lb. man in about an hour and a half. There's always bones and chunks left; everything is then ground up and those are the 'ashes' you get back.

President Abraham Lincoln was so distraught over his young son Willie dying, he had his coffin exhumed twice so he could look at him again. And they say Mary was the nutty one...

The Cunard Line, which owns the Queen Elizabeth II, has a service by which relatives can book passage for deceased if they want to be buried at sea. Here in Chicago we just put them in a sack and throw them in the river. Much cheaper :)

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry is the first person to have their ashes put aboard a rocket and "buried" in space.

The word 'mausoleum' comes from the memorial tomb of Mausolus, ruler of Caria, who died in 353 B.C. When he died his wife had him cremated, mixed his ashes with water, and drank him. Cheers!

The tradition of funeral wreaths originated from the belief that the wreath would encircle the spirit of the dead and keep it at bay.

The Mount of Olives in Israel is the oldest, continually used cemetery in the world.

In 1355, when King Pedro of Portugal was crowned, he dug up his mistress to have her properly honored as queen. Loyal subjects bowed before the decorated corpse and had to kiss her hand. That was nice of him - most women can't even get their husbands to take them out to a simple dinner while they're alive ...

By law, all executed criminals in the U.S. have to have an autopsy to determine cause of death. I guess "He was executed by lethal injection" isn't good enough...

It's a myth that more people commit suicide around "the holidays"; in fact it's quite the opposite.

A body decomposes four times faster in water than on land.

Last words of Thomas Grasso, executed in 1995: "I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this". Oh, quit whining and have a seat.

If you're planning on being cryogenically frozen, the ideal time to start the procedure is within 10 minutes of death.

The first recorded means of execution is stoning. It was usually a public participation sport, and it was considered bad form to hit the victim in the head. The preferred method was to keep the victim conscious and suffering for as long as possible from internal injuries and broken bones. Think that's horrible? They still do this in some countries. To women. Only.

Dr. Joseph Guillotin did not invent the guillotine; he just persuaded officials to use it as a means of executions because of it's speed and efficiency. It is a myth that he died by the device.

Henry the VIII executed some 72,000 subjects. His favorite method was boiling people to death .

When the Bozo Show's Mr. Ned died, they cremated him and put him in bucket #6.
Hahahahahah!! I made that up! They didn't. Really. I just thought that was damn clever of me.

The ashes of astronomer Eugene Shoemaker were put aboard the 1999 Lunar Prospector flight and was "control" crashed into a crater to give him a moon burial.
Only four U.S. States are on record as having never engaged in a lynching - Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

William Kemmler was the first person to be executed in the electric chair in 1890, at Auburn Prison in New York. It was a disaster. The executioner had to administer several rounds of juice while Kemmler kicked, seared, smoked, thrashed and convulsed, finally dying after 8 minutes. An autopsy showed he literally cooked to death, from the inside out.

Lethal injection was first used in 1982. Three separate drugs are used, starting with a barbiturate which knocks the victim out. I'm told by someone who works in a Texas prison and who has witnessed this up close that the recipient is not aware that they are "dying" in any way and that, physically at least, it is a painless procedure. Which is a shame. (Yes, I'm one of those people).

When John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, it was not a federal felony to kill a President of the United States.

Singer Steve Goodman had his ashes buried under the home plate in Chicago's Wrigley Field.

An eternal flame lamp at the tomb of a Buddhist priest in Nara, Japan has been tended to and kept burning for 1,127 years (2003)

Utah and Ohio are the only states which still can execute by firing squad.

The name of the pilot of the ill-fated TWA Flight 800 which exploded over New York, was Ralph Kevorkian

The first drive-in mortuary was opened in Atlanta in 1968 by Hirschel Thornton. While the deceased rested behind a glass wall, those wanting to pay last respects could drive by without having to get out of their cars. There's "caring' for you, huh? Wonder if they'll have burgers to go, next...

From the 1850s to the 1880s, the most common reason for death among cowboys in the American West was being dragged by a horse while their foot was still caught in the stirrups. Then I guess someone noticed this and said, "Hey! We ought to be more careful!" So it stopped.

Tens of millions of people died of smallpox but now there are only two live samples of the virus left in the world. Both are in sealed test tubes; one is in a lab in Moscow and the other is at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The last reported case of smallpox in the world was in 1978 in England, when the virus accidentally escaped from a lab. Most smallpox photos you see showing "smallpox" these days are some horrible black pustules that are the product of the archaic mercury treatments that used to give - not the smallpox.

When Thomas Edison died in 1931, his pal Henry Ford trapped the inventor's last dying breath in a bottle.

A taphophile is a person who is interested in the history and art of cemeteries, funerals and gravestones

When the first landing party went to Krakatoa after the 1883 eruption, the only living thing they found on the entire island was one spider, who was spinning a new web. I really like that spider.

King Cambyses of Persia (525 BC) marched 50,000 troops into the desert to attack Amun, on the Libyan border. A sandstorm of epic proportions boiled up and buried them all.

The leading cause of death to military personnel in peace time is drunk driving.
Murderers, on average, are 7.5 years younger than their victims.

The Viet Nam Memorial has the names of 38 people engraved on it who are listed as killed, but weren't.

Extreme cold is more lethal to humans than extreme heat. Cold makes you sleepy, and when you fall asleep, you die

Actor Bela Lagosi was buried in his favorite Dracula cape.

Funeral directors in Florida get 500 frequent flyer miles for every corpse they ship out of Daytona Beach International Airport.

Japanese factory worker Kenji Urada became the first known fatality 'caused by robot' in July, 1981, in a car plant.

It would take more than 2.5 minutes to fall from the top of Mt. Everest. Then you'd go --->S P L A T <---

It's a myth that there's a "curse of King Tut's tomb" and 'most ' of the people who were present at the opening of the tomb died swift, horrible deaths. Of the 22 present at it's opening, 21 were alive 10 years later.

The death of George V was timed so it'd make the morning papers
In the 'old days' men and women used a Laff Riot of deadly substances for cosmetics, which would often lead to their insanity and death. Lead was used for that pale white skin in the form of Lead white and Venetian Ceruse, which was absorbed into the skin, into the tissues and blood and caused acute lead poisoning. Mercury, in the form of mercury sublimate or "Solman's Water" was used to remove warts and bleach freckles. Ditto. Belladonna, a fatally toxic hallucinogen, was used to redden cheeks and lips.

It's said that most people who commit suicide 'arrange' it so the people/person they want to 'punish' or give a final "See I told you so" find the body
Armadillos and humans are the only animals that get leprosy.

The most common animal people on their death beds or in death hallucinations/visions report seeing is a grey or black dog.

More men than women commit suicide over love affairs gone wrong.

In the 20 years of the Great California Gold Rush (1849) about 300,000 died from disease and 362 were killed by Indians.

When Anne Boleyn was beheaded, so was her dog, Urian. Guess that showed her.
It's estimated that in one hour, Genghis Khan's army killed 1,748,000 people. Each of his men was ordered to kill as many people as they could until they dropped from exhaustion, and bring the ears of the victims to the officers for proof.

Chocolate is lethal to dogs. Doesn't take much.

Elephants have been known to die of broken hearts if a mate dies. They refuse to eat and will lay down, shedding tears until they starve to death. They refuse all human help.

Union General John Sedgewick was killed during the Battle of Spotsylvania on May 9, 1864 while sitting on his horse and making the comment that the confederate troops were so inept that they "couldn't hit an elephant from this dis - - - " Those were his last words.

Direct Dialing inspired by death - Almon Strowger was one of two undertakers who worked in Kansas City in the 1800s. When a dear friend died, he thought it was pretty strange he hadn't been called by the family to take care of the funeral arrangements. It just so happened that the only telephone operator in Kansas City, who received and directed all the city's phone calls, was the other undertaker's wife. Hmmm.... Strowger didn't get mad, he got even. He invented the world's first automatic telephone exchange system (and the first dial phone) making it possible for people to dial numbers directly and not have to use operators. Take that.

Funny traffic sign


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Number Spirals

1. Introduction

Number spirals are very simple. To make one, we just write the non-negative integers on a ribbon and roll it up with zero at the center.

The trick is to arrange the spiral so all the perfect squares (1, 4, 9, 16, etc.) line up in a row on the right side:

If we continue winding for a while and zoom out a bit, the result looks like this:

If we zoom out even further and remove everything except the dots that indicate the locations of integers, we get the next illustration. It shows 2026 dots:

Let's try making the primes darker than the non-primes:

The primes seem to cluster along certain curves. Let's zoom out even further to get a better look. The following number spiral shows all the primes that occur within the first 46,656 non-negative integers. (For clarity, non-primes have been left out.)

It looks as though primes tend to concentrate in certain curves that swoop away to the northwest and southwest, like the curve marked by the blue arrow.

On the next few pages of this website, we'll investigate these patterns and try to make sense out of them.


Each non-negative real number n has polar coordinates

where theta is the angle measured in rotations, not radians or degrees. One rotation equals 360 degrees.

Unless otherwise noted, all angles on this website are measured in rotations. The reason for this will become clear as we go on.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Windows XP set the search screen to the classic look

When I first saw the default search pane in Windows XP, my instinct was to return it to its classic look; that puppy had to go. Of course, I later discovered that a doggie door is built into the applet. Click "Change preferences" then "Without an animated screen character." If you'd rather give it a bare-bones "Windows 2000" look and feel, fire up your Registry editor and navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ CabinetState.

You may need to create a new string value labeled "Use Search Asst" and set it to "no".

19 things you didnt know about Windows XP

1. It boasts how long it can stay up. Whereas previous versions of Windows were coy about how long they went between boots, XP is positively proud of its stamina. Go to the Command Prompt in the Accessories menu from the All Programs start button option, and then type 'systeminfo'. The computer will produce a lot of useful info, including the uptime. If you want to keep these, type 'systeminfo > info.txt'. This creates a file called info.txt you can look at later with Notepad. (Professional Edition only).

2. You can delete files immediately, without having them move to the Recycle Bin first. Go to the Start menu, select Run... and type 'gpedit.msc'; then select User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Explorer and find the Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin setting. Set it. Poking around in gpedit will reveal a great many interface and system options, but take care -- some may stop your computer behaving as you wish. (Professional Edition only).

3. You can lock your XP workstation with two clicks of the mouse. Create a new shortcut on your desktop using a right mouse click, and enter 'rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' in the location field. Give the shortcut a name you like. That's it -- just double click on it and your computer will be locked. And if that's not easy enough, Windows key + L will do the same.

4. XP hides some system software you might want to remove, such as Windows Messenger, but you can tickle it and make it disgorge everything. Using Notepad or Edit, edit the text file /windows/inf/sysoc.inf, search for the word 'hide' and remove it. You can then go to the Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Windows Components and there will be your prey, exposed and vulnerable.

5. For those skilled in the art of DOS batch files, XP has a number of interesting new commands. These include 'eventcreate' and 'eventtriggers' for creating and watching system events, 'typeperf' for monitoring performance of various subsystems, and 'schtasks' for handling scheduled tasks. As usual, typing the command name followed by /? will give a list of options -- they're all far too baroque to go into here.

6. XP has IP version 6 support -- the next generation of IP. Unfortunately this is more than your ISP has, so you can only experiment with this on your LAN. Type 'ipv6 install' into Run... (it's OK, it won't ruin your existing network setup) and then 'ipv6 /?' at the command line to find out more. If you don't know what IPv6 is, don't worry and don't bother.

7. You can at last get rid of tasks on the computer from the command line by using 'taskkill /pid' and the task number, or just 'tskill' and the process number. Find that out by typing 'tasklist', which will also tell you a lot about what's going on in your system.

8. XP will treat Zip files like folders, which is nice if you've got a fast machine. On slower machines, you can make XP leave zip files well alone by typing 'regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll' at the command line. If you change your mind later, you can put things back as they were by typing 'regsvr32 zipfldr.dll'.

9. XP has ClearType -- Microsoft's anti-aliasing font display technology -- but doesn't have it enabled by default. It's well worth trying, especially if you were there for DOS and all those years of staring at a screen have given you the eyes of an astigmatic bat. To enable ClearType, right click on the desktop, select Properties, Appearance, Effects, select ClearType from the second drop-down menu and enable the selection. Expect best results on laptop displays. If you want to use ClearType on the Welcome login screen as well, set the registry entry HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop/FontSmoothingType to 2.

10. You can use Remote Assistance to help a friend who's using network address translation (NAT) on a home network, but not automatically. Get your pal to email you a Remote Assistance invitation and edit the file. Under the RCTICKET attribute will be a NAT IP address, like Replace this with your chum's real IP address -- they can find this out by going to -- and get them to make sure that they've got port 3389 open on their firewall and forwarded to the errant computer.

11. You can run a program as a different user without logging out and back in again. Right click the icon, select Run As... and enter the user name and password you want to use. This only applies for that run. The trick is particularly useful if you need to have administrative permissions to install a program, which many require. Note that you can have some fun by running programs multiple times on the same system as different users, but this can have unforeseen effects.

12. Windows XP can be very insistent about you checking for auto updates, registering a Passport, using Windows Messenger and so on. After a while, the nagging goes away, but if you feel you might slip the bonds of sanity before that point, run Regedit, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/Advanced and create a DWORD value called EnableBalloonTips with a value of 0.

13. You can start up without needing to enter a user name or password. Select Run... from the start menu and type 'control userpasswords2', which will open the user accounts application. On the Users tab, clear the box for Users Must Enter A User Name And Password To Use This Computer, and click on OK. An Automatically Log On dialog box will appear; enter the user name and password for the account you want to use.

14. Internet Explorer 6 will automatically delete temporary files, but only if you tell it to. Start the browser, select Tools / Internet Options... and Advanced, go down to the Security area and check the box to Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed.

15. XP comes with a free Network Activity Light, just in case you can't see the LEDs twinkle on your network card. Right click on My Network Places on the desktop, then select Properties. Right click on the description for your LAN or dial-up connection, select Properties, then check the Show icon in notification area when connected box. You'll now see a tiny network icon on the right of your task bar that glimmers nicely during network traffic.

16. The Start Menu can be leisurely when it decides to appear, but you can speed things along by changing the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop/MenuShowDelay from the default 400 to something a little snappier. Like 0.

17. You can rename loads of files at once in Windows Explorer. Highlight a set of files in a window, then right click on one and rename it. All the other files will be renamed to that name, with individual numbers in brackets to distinguish them. Also, in a folder you can arrange icons in alphabetised groups by View, Arrange Icon By... Show In Groups.

18. Windows Media Player will display the cover art for albums as it plays the tracks -- if it found the picture on the Internet when you copied the tracks from the CD. If it didn't, or if you have lots of pre-WMP music files, you can put your own copy of the cover art in the same directory as the tracks. Just call it folder.jpg and Windows Media Player will pick it up and display it.

19. Windows key + Break brings up the System Properties dialogue box; Windows key + D brings up the desktop; Windows key + Tab moves through the taskbar buttons.

Removing Windows XP's messenger

Theoretically, you can get rid of it (as well as a few other things). Windows 2000 power users should already be familiar with this tweak.

Fire up the Windows Explorer and navigate your way to the %SYSTEMROOT% \ INF folder. What the heck is that thingy with the percentage signs? It's a variable. For most people, %SYSTEMROOT% is C:\Windows. For others, it may be E:\WinXP. Get it? Okay, on with the hack! In the INF folder, open sysoc.inf (but not before making a BACKUP copy first). Before your eyes glaze over, look for the line containing "msmsgs" in it. Near the end of that particular line, you'll notice that the word "hide" is not so hidden. Go ahead and delete "hide" (so that the flanking commas are left sitting next to one another). Save the file and close it. Now, open the Add and Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel. Click the Add / Remove Windows Components icon. You should see "Windows Messenger" in that list. Remove the checkmark from its box, and you should be set. NOTE: there are other hidden system components in that sysoc.inf file, too. Remove "hide" and the subsequent programs at your own risk.

Batman and Joker

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Zoom directory

This is a directory of sites that you can add your links to. Its good for SEO and increases your ranking.

Free web directory

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Add Digg to your blogger

<div style='float:left; margin-right:5px; margin-top:0px;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
digg_url = '<data:post.url/>';
digg_skin = 'compact';
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
is the code I use to embed a Digg button on each of my posts.
Alternatively, you can add

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

To add it
to your blog, you need to load up your template's html and expand the
widget code and search for
<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
If you put it just before
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
Digg button will float just to the left of your title. The line
digg_skin changes the button to a small form factor. If you you want
the normal button, leave out this line. You'll have to expand widget templates in order to be able to insert it at the precise location.

The No-Brainer Way to Cut Calories

Can you guess what percentage of calories Americans consume that
come from what they drink? Three percent? Ten? No, try twenty percent!
Yes, that's right, one-fifth of the calories we take in come from

Here is a no-brainer way to begin to cut back on your
caloric intake: Stop drinking sodas (even diet), juices, mega-sized
"health" smoothies with 120 grams of sugar in them, whipped coffee
drinks, iced tea loaded with corn syrup, and all those sport and
vitamin drinks that are actually filled with sugar and calories.

What's the magic word? Water. Okay, if you love a cup of java in the
morning, then get it. Try to avoid all the extras with it, and if
you're looking for a pick-me-up in the middle of the day, have an
unsweetened green tea instead of a soda or energy drink.

try your best to stick with the water, and if it gets too boring, add a
splash of cranberry juice or a slice of lemon to mix it up. Getting
enough water can help us in our quest for better health in so many ways:

• Flush out toxins
• Reduce your risk of heart attack
• Help with joint and muscle pain
• Boost your metabolic rate
• Improve organ function
• Keep you regular
• Prevent headaches
• Promote healthy skin
• Regulate body temperature
• Get energized and improve alertness

you can kill two birds with one stone: Cut out unwanted calories and do
something good for yourself in the meantime. I don't know about you,
but if I'm going to have a bunch of sugar or calories I want it to be
something I have to chew -- preferably chocolate. Waste it on some
drink? No way.

An A-Z Index of the windows XP command Line

The following list is obtained from the site

ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV file
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASSOC Change file extension associations
ASSOCIAT One step file association
AT Schedule a command to run at a later time
ATTRIB Change file attributes

BOOTCFG Edit Windows boot settings
BROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC info

CACLS Change file permissions
CALL Call one batch program from another
CD Change Directory - move to a specific Folder
CHANGE Change Terminal Server Session properties
CHKDSK Check Disk - check and repair disk problems
CHKNTFS Check the NTFS file system
CHOICE Accept keyboard input to a batch file
CIPHER Encrypt or Decrypt files/folders
CleanMgr Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin
CLEARMEM Clear memory leaks
CLIP Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard.
CLS Clear the screen
CLUSTER Windows Clustering
CMD Start a new CMD shell
COLOR Change colors of the CMD window
COMP Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
COMPACT Compress files or folders on an NTFS partition
COMPRESS Compress individual files on an NTFS partition
CON2PRT Connect or disconnect a Printer
CONVERT Convert a FAT drive to NTFS.
COPY Copy one or more files to another location
CSCcmd Client-side caching (Offline Files)
CSVDE Import or Export Active Directory data

DATE Display or set the date
Dcomcnfg DCOM Configuration Utility
DEFRAG Defragment hard drive
DEL Delete one or more files
DELPROF Delete NT user profiles
DELTREE Delete a folder and all subfolders
DevCon Device Manager Command Line Utility
DIR Display a list of files and folders
DIRUSE Display disk usage
DISKCOMP Compare the contents of two floppy disks
DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another
DNSSTAT DNS Statistics
DOSKEY Edit command line, recall commands, and create macros
DSADD Add user (computer, group..) to active directory
DSQUERY List items in active directory
DSMOD Modify user (computer, group..) in active directory

ECHO Display message on screen
ENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch file
ERASE Delete one or more files
EXIT Quit the current script/routine and set an errorlevel.
EXPAND Uncompress files
EXTRACT Uncompress CAB files

FC Compare two files
FDISK Disk Format and partition
FIND Search for a text string in a file
FINDSTR Search for strings in files
FOR /F Loop command: against a set of files
FOR /F Loop command: against the results of another command
FOR Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List
FORFILES Batch process multiple files
FORMAT Format a disk
FREEDISK Check free disk space (in bytes)
FSUTIL File and Volume utilities
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTYPE Display or modify file types used in file extension associations

GLOBAL Display membership of global groups
GOTO Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line

HELP Online Help
HFNETCHK Network Security Hotfix Checker

IF Conditionally perform a command
IFMEMBER Is the current user in an NT Workgroup

KILL Remove a program from memory

LABEL Edit a disk label
LOCAL Display membership of local groups
LOGEVENT Write text to the NT event viewer.
LOGOFF Log a user off
LOGTIME Log the date and time in a file

MAPISEND Send email from the command line
MEM Display memory usage
MD Create new folders
MKLINK Create a symbolic link (linkd)
MODE Configure a system device
MORE Display output, one screen at a time
MOUNTVOL Manage a volume mount point
MOVE Move files from one folder to another
MOVEUSER Move a user from one domain to another
MSG Send a message
MSIEXEC Microsoft Windows Installer
MSINFO Windows NT diagnostics
MSTSC Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGE Find and Replace text within file(s)
MV Copy in-use files

NET Manage network resources
NETDOM Domain Manager
NETSH Configure network protocols
NETSVC Command-line Service Controller
NBTSTAT Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NETSTAT Display networking statistics (TCP/IP)
NOW Display the current Date and Time
NSLOOKUP Name server lookup
NTBACKUP Backup folders to tape
NTRIGHTS Edit user account rights

PATH Display or set a search path for executable files
PATHPING Trace route plus network latency and packet loss
PAUSE Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
PERMS Show permissions for a user
PERFMON Performance Monitor
PING Test a network connection
POPD Restore the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD
PORTQRY Display the status of ports and services
PRINT Print a text file
PRNCNFG Display, configure or rename a printer
PRNMNGR Add, delete, list printers set the default printer
PROMPT Change the command prompt
PsExec Execute process remotely
PsFile Show files opened remotely
PsGetSid Display the SID of a computer or a user
PsInfo List information about a system
PsKill Kill processes by name or process ID
PsList List detailed information about processes
PsLoggedOn Who's logged on (locally or via resource sharing)
PsLogList Event log records
PsPasswd Change account password
PsService View and control services
PsShutdown Shutdown or reboot a computer
PsSuspend Suspend processes
PUSHD Save and then change the current directory

QGREP Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.

RASDIAL Manage RAS connections
RASPHONE Manage RAS connections
RECOVER Recover a damaged file from a defective disk.
REG Registry: Read, Set, Export, Delete keys and values
REGEDIT Import or export registry settings
REGSVR32 Register or unregister a DLL
REGINI Change Registry Permissions
REM Record comments (remarks) in a batch file
REN Rename a file or files.
REPLACE Replace or update one file with another
RD Delete folder(s)
RDISK Create a Recovery Disk
RMTSHARE Share a folder or a printer
ROBOCOPY Robust File and Folder Copy
ROUTE Manipulate network routing tables
RUNAS Execute a program under a different user account
RUNDLL32 Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)

SC Service Control
SCHTASKS Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks
SCLIST Display NT Services
ScriptIt Control GUI applications
SET Display, set, or remove environment variables
SETLOCAL Control the visibility of environment variables
SETX Set environment variables permanently
SHARE List or edit a file share or print share
SHIFT Shift the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file
SHORTCUT Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file)
SHOWGRPS List the NT Workgroups a user has joined
SHOWMBRS List the Users who are members of a Workgroup
SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer
SLEEP Wait for x seconds
SOON Schedule a command to run in the near future
SORT Sort input
START Start a separate window to run a specified program or command
SU Switch User
SUBINACL Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain
SUBST Associate a path with a drive letter
SYSTEMINFO List system configuration

TASKLIST List running applications and services
TIME Display or set the system time
TIMEOUT Delay processing of a batch file
TITLE Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session
TOUCH Change file timestamps
TRACERT Trace route to a remote host
TREE Graphical display of folder structure
TYPE Display the contents of a text file

USRSTAT List domain usernames and last login

VER Display version information
VERIFY Verify that files have been saved
VOL Display a disk label

WHERE Locate and display files in a directory tree
WHOAMI Output the current UserName and domain
WINDIFF Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
WINMSD Windows system diagnostics
WINMSDP Windows system diagnostics II
WMIC WMI Commands

XCACLS Change file permissions
XCOPY Copy files and folders

Why Americans Should Never Be Allowed To Travel

The following are actual stories
provided by travel agents:

I had someone ask for
an aisle seats so that his or her hair wouldn't get messed up by being
near the window.

A client called in inquiring
about a package to Hawaii. After going over all the cost info,
she asked, "Would it be cheaper to fly to California and then take the
train to Hawaii?"

I got a call from a woman
who wanted to go to Capetown. I started to explain the length
of the flight and the passport information when she interrupted me with
"I'm not trying to make you look stupid, but Capetown is in Massachusetts.
"Without trying to make her look like the stupid one, I calmly explained,
"Capecod is in Massachusetts, Capetown is in Africa." Her response
... click.

A man called, furious
about a Florida package we did. I asked what was wrong with the vacation
in Orlando. He said he was expecting an ocean-view room. I tried to
explain that is not possible, since Orlando is in the middle of the
state. He replied, "Don't lie to me. I looked on the map and Florida
is a very thin state."

I got a call from a man
who asked, "Is it possible to see England from Canada?" I said, "No."
He said "But they look so close on the map."

Another man called and
asked if he could rent a car in Dallas. When I pulled up the reservation,
I noticed he had a 1-hour lay over in Dallas. When I asked him
why he wanted to rent a car, he said, "I heard Dallas was a big airport,
and I need a car to drive between the gates to save time."

A nice lady just called.
She needed to know how it was possible that her flight from Detroit
left at 8:20am and got into Chicago at 8:33am. I tried to explain
that Michigan was an hour ahead of llinois, but she could not understand
the concept of time zones. Finally I told her the plane went very fast,
and she bought that!

A woman called and asked,
"Do airlines put your physical description on your bag so they know
who's luggage belongs to who?" I said, "No, why do you ask?" She replied,
"Well, when I checked in with the airline, they put a tag on my luggage
that said FAT, and I'm overweight, is there any connection?" After putting
her on hold for a minute while I "looked into it" (I was actually laughing)
I came back and explained the city code for Fresno is FAT, and that
the airline was just putting a destination tag on her luggage.

I just got off the phone
with a man who asked, "How do I know which plane to get on?" I asked
him what exactly he meant, which he replied, "I was told my flight number
is 823, but none of these darn planes have numbers on them."

A woman called and said,
"I need to fly to Pepsi-cola on one of those computer planes." I asked
if she meant to fly to Pensacola on a commuter plane. She said, "Yeah,

A businessman called and
had a question about the documents he needed in order to fly to China.
After a lengthy discussion about passports, I reminded him he needed
a visa. "Oh no I don't, I've been to China many times and never had
to have one of those." I double checked and sure enough, his stay required
a visa. When I told him this he said, "Look, I've been to China four
times and every time they have accepted my American Express."

A woman called to make
reservations, "I want to go from Chicago to Hippopotamus, New York"
The agent was at a loss for words. Finally, the agent: "Are you sure
that's the name of the town?" "Yes, what flights do you have?" replied
the customer. After some searching, the agent came back with, "I'm sorry,
ma'am, I've looked up every airport code in the country and can't find
a Hippopotamus anywhere." The customer retorted, "Oh don't be silly.
Everyone knows where it is. Check your map!" The agent scoured a map
of the state of New York and finally offered, "You don't mean Buffalo,
do you?" "That's it! I knew it was a big animal!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Installing MySQL 5.0

MySQL 5.0 can be installed on the new

Web Development Environment. MySQL is a free database
server which is well suited as a backend for small database-driven Web sites developed
in PHP or Perl. While UW Technology does not support MySQL, these instructions outline the
steps for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting MySQL as a server on your own account.


  • Please read about running
    servers on your own account
    before getting started with MySQL.
  • MySQL requires a significant amount of disk space. A new installation
    may take ~140 MB.
    You might want to check your quota.
  • You cannot run two MySQL servers concurrently on the same machine. If you're currently running a MySQL
    server, you'll need to stop and backup this server according to the instructions for
    Upgrading MySQL.

Included on this page:


Setting up a MySQL server on your account is an involved process, but it boils down
to three main acts:

  • Download and place the MySQL program in your home directory (steps 1-5)
  • Configure MySQL's basic settings, create the default databases, and start the MySQL server (steps 6-10)
  • Set up access permissions (steps 11-14)

Download and place the MySQL program in your home directory

  1. Log in to your Homer, Dante or account with Tera Term
    or another terminal emulator.

  2. Press the O key for Other, then press the W key to drop into the
    Web development environment (Ovid, Vergil or Socrates). Stay in your home directory; at no point during this installation should you cd to public_html.

    Tip: Follow the instructions in this article very carefully! A single typo could render the entire installation unsuccessful.

  3. Download MySQL 5.0.27 for Linux (i686). This is the most recent
    version of MySQL.


    Note: You can obtain the full source code for this database from the website.

  4. Unzip the file you just downloaded:

    tar -xzvf mysql-standard-5.0.27-linux-i686.tar.gz
  5. Create a symbolic link to the MySQL directory:

    ln -s mysql-standard-5.0.27-linux-i686 mysql

Configure MySQL's basic settings, create the default databases, and start the MySQL server

  1. Change directories and run the script that sets up default permissions for users of your MySQL server:

    <a name="install_db">cd mysql<br />./scripts/mysql_install_db</pre></blockquote><br /><br /><p>The script informs you that a root password should be set. You will do this in a few more steps.</p></li><li><a name="my_cnf"></a><br /><p>If you are <a href="">upgrading an existing version of MySQL</a>, move back your <tt>.my.cnf</tt> file:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">mv ~/.my.cnf.temp ~/.my.cnf</blockquote><br /><br /><p>This requires that you keep the same port number for your MySQL server when installing the new software.</p><br /></li><li><br /><a name="config"></a><br /><p>If you are installing MySQL for the first time,<br />get the path to your home directory:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">echo $HOME</blockquote><br /><br /><p>Note this down, as you'll need the information in the next step.</p><br /><br /><p>Create a new file called <tt>.my.cnf</tt> in your home directory. This file<br />contains account-specific settings for your MySQL server.</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">pico ~/.my.cnf</blockquote><br /><br /><p>Copy and paste the following lines into the file, making the substitutions listed below:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>[mysqld]<br />port=<span class="hilite">XXXXX</span><br />socket=<span class="hilite">/hw13/d06/accountname</span>/mysql.sock<br />basedir=<span class="hilite">/hw13/d06/accountname</span>/mysql<br />datadir=<span class="hilite">/hw13/d06/accountname</span>/mysql/data<br /><br />[client]<br />port=<span class="hilite">XXXXX</span><br />socket=<span class="hilite">/hw13/d06/accountname</span>/mysql.sock</pre></blockquote><br /><br /><p>Replace the two instances of <span class="code"><span class="hilite">XXXXX</span></span> with a number between 1024 and 65000 (use<br />the same number both times).  Write the number down if you plan to install <a href="">phpMyAdmin</a>.  This is the port that MySQL will use to listen for<br />connections.</p><br /><br /><p><br /><b>Note:</b> You must use a port number that is not already in use.  You can test a<br />port number by typing <span class="code">telnet localhost XXXXX</span>(again<br />replacing XXXXX with the port number).  If it<br />says "Connection Refused", then you have a good number.  If it says something<br />ending in "Connection closed by foreign host." then there is already a server<br />running on that port, so you should choose a different number.<br /></p><br /><br /><p>Replace <span class="code"><span class="hilite">/hw13/d06/accountname</span></span> with the path to your home directory.</p><br /><br /><p><br /><b>Note:</b> If you're not planning to use <a href="">the innodb storage<br />engine</a>, then now is a good time to turn it off.  This will save you some<br />space and memory.  You can disable innodb by including a line that says <span class="code">skip-innodb</span> underneath the 'datadir' line in your<br /><tt>.my.cnf</tt> file.</p><br /><br /><p>Write the file and exit Pico.</p></li><li><br /><a name="step10"></a><br /><p>If you are following the directions to <a href="">upgrade an existing version of MySQL</a>, you should now copy your databases back into your new MySQL installation:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>rm -R ~/mysql/data<br />cp -R ~/mysql-bak/data ~/mysql/data</pre></blockquote><br /></li><li><br /><a name="start"></a><br /><p>You are now ready to start your MySQL server.<br /><br /></p><p><b>Make sure you are in the web-development environment, in the mysql <br />	directory (see steps 1 & 2)</b>, and type:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">./bin/mysqld_safe &&lt;/blockquote><br /><br /><p>Be sure to include the ampersand (&) at the end of the command;<br />it is an instruction to run the process in the background.<br />If you forget to type it, you won't be able to continue your<br />terminal session, and you should close your terminal window and open another.<br /></p><br /><br /><p>If everything has gone correctly, a message similar to the following will appear:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>[1] 67786<br />% Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /hw13/d06/accountname/mysql/data</pre></blockquote><br /><br /><p>If you don't see such a message, MySQL has not started correctly.  Refer to the <br /><a href="">troubleshooting section</a> at the bottom of this page.</p><br /><br /><p>Otherwise, press <tt>Enter</tt> to return to the shell prompt.<br />Your MySQL server is now running as a background job and it will keep<br />running even after you log out.</p></li></ol><br /><br /><h3>Set up permissions and passwords</h3><br /><br /><b>Note:</b> If you are upgrading, you can return to the <a href="">upgrade<br />documentation</a> now. Otherwise, if this is a new MySQL installation, continue<br />with setting up the permissions and passwords.<br /><br /><ol start="11"><li><br /><a name="step11"></a><br /><p>At this point your MySQL password is still empty. Use the following command to set a new root password:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">./bin/mysqladmin -u root password "<span class="hilite">mypassword</span>"</blockquote><br /><br /><p>Replace <span class="code hilite">mypassword</span> with a password of your<br />choice<!--; <br />do not enclose your password in any quotation marks-->.</p><br /></li><li><br /><a name="step12"></a><br /><p>You have now created a "root account" and given it a password. This will<br />enable you to connect to your MySQL server with the built-in command-line MySQL<br />client using this account and password.</p><br /><br /><p><br />If you are installing MySQL for the first time, type the following command to connect to the server:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">./bin/mysql -u root -p</blockquote><br /><br /><p>You'll be prompted for the MySQL root password. Enter the password you picked in the previous step.</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>Enter password: <span class="hilite">mypassword</span><br />Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.<br />Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 5.0.27-standard<br /><br />Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.<br /><br />mysql></pre></blockquote><br /><br /><p>At the <span class="code">mysql></span> prompt, type the commands that follow, replacing <span class="code hilite">mypassword</span> with the root password.  Press [enter] after each semicolon.</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>mysql> use mysql;<br />mysql> delete from user where Host like "%";<br />mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to root@"" identified by '<span class="code"><span class="hilite">mypassword</span></span>' with grant option;<br />mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost identified by '<span class="code"><span class="hilite">mypassword</span></span>' with grant option;<br />mysql> flush privileges;<br />mysql> exit;</pre></blockquote><br /><br /><p>This step allows you to connect to your MySQL server as 'root' from any UW computer.</p><br /></li><li><br /><a name="verify"></a><br /><p>Once back at your shell prompt, you can verify that your MySQL server is running with the following command:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">./bin/mysqladmin -u root -p version</blockquote><br /><br /><p>You'll be prompted for the root password again.</p><br /><br /><p>If MySQL is running, a message similar to the following will be displayed:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>Enter password:<br />./bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.41 Distrib 5.0.27, for pc-linux-gnu on i686<br />Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB<br />This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,<br />and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license<br /><br />Server version          5.0.27-standard<br />Protocol version        10<br />Connection              Localhost via UNIX socket<br />UNIX socket             /hw13/d06/accountname/mysql5.sock<br />Uptime:                 1 min 20 sec<br /><br />Threads: 1  Questions: 2  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 11  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 6                 <br /> Queries per second avg: 0.025</pre></blockquote><br /></li><li><br /><a name="finish"></a><br /><p>You're done!  A MySQL server is now running in your account and is ready to<br />accept connections. At this point you can <a href="">learn<br />about MySQL administration</a> to get more familiar with MySQL, and you can <a href="">install phpMyAdmin</a> to help you administer your new<br />database server.</p><br /><br /><p>You can delete the file used to install MySQL with the<br />following command:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">rm<br />~/mysql-standard-5.0.27-linux-i686.tar.gz</blockquote><br /><br /></li></ol><br /><br /><!-- TROUBLESHOOTING --><br /><h2><a name="trouble">Troubleshooting</a></h2><br /><br /><p><b>Error Logs</b></p><br /><br /><p>The MySQL server logs all status and error messages in a file called <tt><i>somehost</i>.err</tt>, where <i>somehost</i> is the name of the host from which a connection was attempted. The file is located in the <tt>mysql/data</tt> directory and contains useful information for debugging problems with your MySQL server.</p><br /><br /><p>To see the 10 most recent messages that were logged, cd into the mysql<br />directory and type the following, replacing <span class="hilite">somehost</span><br />with <em></em> if your site runs on,<br /><em></em> for, or <em></em> otherwise:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code">tail -10 ./data/<span class="hilite">somehost</span>.err</blockquote><br /><br />The following are some common errors with their respective fixes:<br /><br /><ul><li><p><b>Misconfigured <tt>~/.my.cnf</tt></b>.</p><br /><p>If only the first numeric line appears (you do not see a <tt>"Starting mysqld<br />daemon..."</tt> message) when you execute <tt>./bin/mysqld_safe<br />&&lt;/tt>, you probably entered at least one incorrect path in your <tt>.my.cnf</tt> file.  Go<br />back and check your <tt>.my.cnf</tt> entries against your path information.  You<br />can find your home directory path by typing <span class="code">echo ~</span> or <span class="code">echo<br />$HOME</span> in the Web Development environment.</p></li><li><p><b>Port in use</b>.</p><br /><p>If the MySQL server starts but then reports <tt>msqld<br />daemon ended</tt>, you probably picked a port in step 8 already in use by<br />someone else.  The error message in <tt><i>somehost</i>.err</tt> will look like this:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>mysqld started on  Thu Sep 28 14:56:42 PDT 2006<br />060928 14:56:43  Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Address already in use<br />060928 14:56:43  Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ?<br />060928 14:56:43  Aborting</pre></blockquote><br /><br /><p>To fix this, go back and enter another port number in your <tt>.my.cnf</tt> file.</p></li><li><p><b>Incorrect socket path</b>.</p><br /><p>You may see a message in <tt><i>somehost</i>.err</tt> similar to the following:</p><br /><br /><blockquote class="code"><pre>mysqld started on  Sat Nov 4 09:15:02 PDT 2006<br />061104  9:15:02  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: No such file or directory<br />061104  9:15:02  Do you already have another mysqld server running on socket: /hw13/d06/accountname/mysql.sock ?<br />061104  9:15:02  Aborting<br /></a>

    In this case, you have incorrectly specified the path to mysql.sock
    in your home directory. Look at
    step 8 and fix your ~/.my.cnf file.

    For more information about MySQL error logging, see the MySQL Error Log Page.

  2. Resources

Firefox 3: Disabling Extension Compatibilty Check

Most of the Firefox 3 Beta 3 plugins must be not working now with
Firefox 3 Beta 4, they will not work until the Mozilla Admins approve
them. So till then you are stuck with a browser with no plugins? Well
no, not exactly. If you want your Firefox 3 Beta x plugins to work with
Beta 4 follow the below steps.

Before you do that here are 2 Very Important Notes

Note 1: Only use the below method to add
compatibility to Firefox 3 Beta x plugins. 95% of the older Firefox 2
plugins will mess up your Firefox 3 or will throw errors which will
annoy you the most. So don’t try this with Firefox 2.x plugins.

Note 2: Incorporating this workaround only disables
the compatibility check however, it does not mean that all your desired
extensions will actually work. It only means that you’ll be able to
install them. If you find that an incompatible extension renders
Firefox 3 B4 unusable just open Firefox in “Safe Mode” and uninstall
the offending extension.

Here’s what you do: (don’t include the quotation
marks I’ve placed around the texts and statements when typing them
in)Here’s what you do: (don’t include the quotation marks I’ve placed
around the texts and statements when typing them in)

1. Open Firefox 3 Beta 4 and type in the addressbar “about:config”
and you will see the below screenshot. Click the button “I’ll be
careful, I promise” to proceed.


2. Now you will see the Firefox config page. Right-Click on a blank
area of the page and select “New” in the menu and select the data type
as “Boolean” (Boolean is a “true” or “false” type statement for those
that don’t know), type the preference name as “extensions.checkCompatibility” and click ok.

3. Another screen will popup with a select option of “True” or
“False”, Select “False” in this screen. If you didn’t get this, then
you have done the above step wrong. Check the “Further Note” below to
rectify your mistake.


4. That’s all restart your browser, and all your Firefox 3 Beta x extensions should work now.

5. After you have re-started the browser, if you goto Tools ->
Addons you will see something similar to the below screen with a yellow


DO NOT CLICK ON THE ENABLE BUTTON, or else you have to start this all over again.

6. Follow these steps for every Beta release of Firefox 3

Further Note: If you entered the wrong type (like
String instead of Boolean) or perhaps misspelled the statement, your
new entry will most likely be removed from “about.config” when the
browser is restarted giving you another chance to try again.

Removing your entry: If you ever wish to turn compatibility checking back on then just go into “about:config”, type “extensions.checkCompatibility
into the search bar at the top of the list (the search result is
automatically displayed) and when your entry comes up, right click on
the entry and select “Toggle” from the context menu. The Boolean value should now read “True”. Restart the browser.
If you want to remove the entry altogether then perform the search as
stated above, right click on your entry when it comes up and select “Reset” and then restart the browser. Your entry will be gone now.